Defend odd man rush

2 - 1 defensively
* Stay in middle of attackers, delay play as much as possible, goalie take the shooter defender deny the pass.

* The most dangerous attacker is in the middle of the ice; so play him. If the puck carrier's is on the off wing and his stick is in the slot he is the most dangerous attacker.

* Don't allow puck carrier to break in post to post but go to him if he cuts in.

* On trailer in middle lane line up with trailer and rush him with the stick in the passing lane when a trailer pass is made

3 - 2 defensively

* You should be reading this play and coming up with a plan to slow the play down. Delay the attack and try to stand up at blue line. Standing up guys on the blue line is great as you can throw the play off sides with a simple poke check, but do not attack forward unless you are 100% you can pull it off as it could easily end up 2 on 0 on the goalie. But again the key is delaying the play as help should be coming.  

* Communications is always key in developing and defending plays on the ice. The week side defender should take one attacker to the post. most likely the player coming in hard with out the puck, he'll most likely cut to the net. The strong side defender plays the 2-1 and pressure the third man if a trailer pass is made to the middle.

* If wings are back checking hard, the week side defenseman should direct traffic. Meaning directing the back checker to cover a player or come down the middle as that is most likely where the play is headed.  

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